Three Important Ways That Eye Exams Determine The Correct Prescription Eyewear For You

If you are in the market for prescription eyewear, then you probably know that the key to finding a pair of glasses that works well for you involves more than just picking out a color and frame style that you like. In fact, the actual process of obtaining a new pair of prescription eyewear begins with setting up an appointment with an optometrist to have your eyes examined. During this exam, your optometrist can determine the proper prescription for your eyes and also find out whether or not you need bifocals or trifocals. However, there are several other important factors that your eye doctor will use to help determine which prescription is best for your needs. Here are three of those factors:

1. Eye Exams Determine The Correct Prescription Eyewear By Using Subjective Refraction

The subjective refraction is the most important part of the exam because this is how your doctor determines the best lens you will need to see clearly and comfortably. The doctor asks you to look through a series of lenses in order to find the lens option that gives you the sharpest vision. This process is repeated multiple times for each eye and for both far-sightedness and near-sightedness. You will also be asked about which of the two lenses feels more comfortable so that your doctor can find the correct prescription for your needs.

2. Eye Exams Determine The Correct Prescription Eyewear Through Retinoscopy

Retinoscopy, sometimes called retinoscopic refraction, is a method of determining the strength of your lenses by using a retinoscope, which is a device that shines a light into your eye. When determining your prescription lens strength, the optometrist will use this device to shine light into your eyes while they are dilated. The light then reflects back off of the retina, allowing your doctor to read the amount of light distortion caused by astigmatism or other visual impairment issues. This procedure can be done on one eye at a time, though it is often done on both eyes simultaneously as well.

3. Eye Exams Determine The Correct Prescription Eyewear With A Visual Acuity Test  

This is the part of the exam where you read from the eye chart, usually on the wall of the doctor's office. You likely know this test from yearly physicals or driver's license renewals.

Your visual acuity is a measurement of your ability to detect fine details, and it's the first thing that an eye doctor will check. This is because it's a general indicator of how well you can see, and whether your vision has changed since your last visit. If you're having trouble reading the eye chart, you may need a new prescription.

If you're getting a new prescription for eyewear, it's likely because your vision has changed to some degree and you need an updated pair of glasses. In order to properly determine the correct prescription for you, your optometrist will perform a series of eye exams to determine the right prescription eyewear for you. Chat with an optometrist to book your next eye exam today.
