
Seeing Clearly: Identifying Common Eye Problems and Seeking Guidance

The human eye is a wonder of evolution, adaptable and resilient; however, like any part of the body, it can be prone to various issues and conditions. Identifying common eye problems and knowing when to seek guidance from a qualified optometrist is crucial for maintaining good eye health. This article will provide an overview of some common eye problems and give guidance on when to consult an optometrist for professional advice.

Three Important Ways That Eye Exams Determine The Correct Prescription Eyewear For You

If you are in the market for prescription eyewear, then you probably know that the key to finding a pair of glasses that works well for you involves more than just picking out a color and frame style that you like. In fact, the actual process of obtaining a new pair of prescription eyewear begins with setting up an appointment with an optometrist to have your eyes examined. During this exam, your optometrist can determine the proper prescription for your eyes and also find out whether or not you need bifocals or trifocals.

Three Reasons Why Younger People Might Need Eye Surgery

When people think about eye conditions and problems affecting vision, most would assume that it relates primarily to those who are a bit older. After all, the most help you might need with your vision when you are younger, or even middle-aged, is glasses and contacts, right? The short answer is no, there are many reasons why someone of any age, whether they are a baby or well into their 80's, might require eye surgery.

Fundamental Things Your Optometrist Wishes You Knew

Are you one of the people that have been blessed with good vision for years? There is a high probability that you haven't considered visiting an optometrist. Many individuals assume that they should only visit an optometrist when they need to correct their vision, but that's not necessarily the case.  This eye expert can offer valuable information about the health condition of your eyes and things you can do to protect the eyes.

What to Expect During and After Laser Eye Surgery

Eye surgery can be scary but also exciting considering that it might improve your vision. Arguably, the most common laser eye surgery is LASIK surgery, which is a corrective procedure. It typically involves reshaping the cornea to improve your vision. In most cases, the surgery eliminates the need for eyeglasses or contact lenses. Before Surgery Book an appointment with your eye doctor, who will examine your eyes to determine your condition and your treatment options.